Package elge.gui

Class Summary
BeanConfigurer This class provides vizual editing of a bean.
BeanPropertyEditor Edits one property of the bean.
DataStorageViewer This class is for vieweng the DataStorage values.
ElgeGUI This is a start up class for the ELGE GUI.
ElgeSwingUtilities Utility class for various methods wich mostly works with swing components.
EngineConfigure A dialog to setup the engine configuration.
ErrorDialog The error dialog shows an error to the user.
GraphConfigurer The GraphConfigurer shows a dialog for configuration of an Graph object.
GraphViewer The class is a simple form to include the JFreeChart instance and to display it.
MonitorIdentsSelector This class is for listing and selecting the identifiries that supports monitors in the project.
PoolConfigurer This dialog is responsible for configuring the class pools.
PoolSelector This class is for selecteing a template from the pool.
ProjectEditor ProjectEditor class enables to user to edit the project properties.
WorldView Simple form to show the World.